UT MDACC Hazardous Drug Pharmacies
Houston, Texas
Infinity MEP Consultants was retained to provide engineering consulting services to evaluate fourteen (14) hazardous drug pharmacies for MD Anderson. The pharmacies are located throughout the city of Houston on several MD Anderson campuses. MD Anderson is upgrading their hazardous drug pharmacies to meet the latest requirements as per USP 797 and USP 800. These hazardous drug pharmacies are where MD Anderson prepares chemotherapy drugs in both hazardous and non-hazardous compounding rooms and is accessed through the Ante room.
Infinity MEP surveyed all facilities to verify compliance with USP 797 and USP 800. We reviewed all Bio Safety Cabinet (BSC) configurations and airflow, as well as evaluated low return air configurations, Fan Filter Units (FFUs), Air handlers (AHUs), filtration systems, HEPA Filters, pressure differentials, pharmacy control systems and air flow analysis.
Going one step further, Infinity MEP took air flow readings for all supply, exhaust, and return air grills. This allowed us to calculate actual room air flows and verify the rooms did or did not meet air flow requirements of USP 797 and USP 800. Infinity MEP also reviewed maintenance logs of the BSCs and HEPA filter change outs to verity compliance. All findings were summarized on separate reports for each pharmacy. Based on these reports the redesign of each pharmacy will be performed.